Thursday, October 7, 2010

A month later..

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah dan Salam Sejahtera...

Uhukk....sungguh bersawang blog ak ni. Maaf( ak rase x perlu ) sebab da lame x update. Act ak ade macam2 nak cite/kongsi tapi ummm...banyak bende lain yang ak buat( bukan sume berfaedah pon, hahaha). So, uhukk, memang da usang blog ak ni. Sawang, lumut, cendawan pon da tumbuh...dan aku.. eh? ape tu..SHITAKEE?!! yum2!! hahaha

So skang da masuk Oktober. Final Exam ak da dekat....kalakian, semakin sibuklah aku, sume Assignment penting2 nak kene anta skang. Research Interview pon akan start minggu depan. Quiz Math, dan lagi 4 Assignment C++ yang akan dihabiskan sebelum Semester 1 berakhir...pastu aku pulak sempat lagi nak ambil berat pasal blog aku. aiyooo...haha

BTW, Baru2 ni aku terseliuh kat kaki, dan aku dah x pergi kelas 2 hari dah( sbb tu ade mase nak blogging nih). MC pon xde. teruk btol, kepade budak2 kat luar sane, sile sediakan mc jikalau korang sakit taw? jangan ikut saye.

Ok, ak nak tunjuk mende best kat korang nih. ni haa..

click to enlarge

ni adalah design baju untuk program yang aku ambik skang, iaitu AUSMAT(Australian Matriculation). 22 tu ntuk no batch ak... kat sisi lengan lak aku nak letak mende nih..

click to enlarge

actually, nie design je, belum diterime lagi. sebab orang lain pon ade kasi design gak dekat SAMSA-badan wakil pelajar AUSMAT. Insyaallah deorang terime, dan kalau diorang terime, aku dapat baju free. sebenarnye ak x kisah pasal bayar pon, tapi melihat orang pakai baju yang didesign oleh aku.....priceless man.

Aku rase tu je nak gtaw, now excuse me, ak nak siapkan esei ESLS(English Second Language Studies) aku yang tertunggak 2 minggu...T-T

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

a chance to make a change...

Salam Warahmatullah...

Alas, I get to update my blog. uhuukk uhukk!! (dah bersawang).
well, I got nothin to update bout my life act. yep, typical students life; get assignments, make presentation, quizzes, test and bunch of that. this is hard, that is easy...arghhh!! u dont wanna see dat!!( well, I dont ). ok, as ye know, a series of happiness is coming, its ramadhan-month of victory, purity, hope, and of oppoturnity. now is a big chance for us to change, as devil is not around. trust me, you'll regret if you doesnt do it now. this is the time for:

1. smokers to stop smoking.
2. cursers to stop cursing.'
3. sleepers to stop sleeping excessively :D
4. couples who do not love for the sake of god to stop whatever theyre doing.
5. laziers(do not use in ur writing) to become less lazy.
6. those who solat 5 waktu rongak2 to fix it back.
7. those who solat last minute to be more concern bout time. solat awal waktu.
8. those who do not wear tudung, wear a blood-squeezing outfit, and any other kind of malfunction clothing to deal with it. you know its wrong.
9. those who ponteng2 puase last year to make sure it wont happen again.
10. those who watch porn, or any other kinds of obviously forbidden thingy to stop watching it.
11. those who have a nemesis to forgive and forget their mistakes, and befriend wif them back.
12. those who are good in their ibadah, to maximize their deeds.
13. and the list goes on.

so, I ask you to join me, lets be better together!!!!
(actually, I've an artwork to show, but, just one. unedited. I even have a hadis to share but uh.. ive been quite busy rite now, and the rate increase by time..please understand that. tq)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

last sermon..

Salam Warahmatullah

ni khutbah terakhir Nabi kita, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang disampaikan pada hari jumaat, 9 Zulhijjah Tahun 10 Hijrah sebelum baginda wafat pada hari Isnin 1hb. Rabiul Awwal tahun 11Hijrah bersamaan dengan 25hb. Mei 632M. oh, lupe lak. khutbah ni disampaikan di Lembah Uranah, Gunung Arafah. yup, maksudnye ni kategori hadis laa..
hayatilah, moga ada manfaat...


Wahai manusia, dengarlah baik baik apa yang hendakku katakan. Aku tidak mengetahui apakah aku dapat bertemu lagi dengan kamu semua selepas tahun ini. Wahai manusia, sepertimana kamu menganggap bulan ini, dan kota ini sebagai suci, maka anggaplah jiwa dan harta setiap orang Muslim sebagai amanah suci. Kembalikan harta yang diamanah kepada kamu kepada pemiliknya yang berhak.

Janganlah sakiti sesiapa pun, agar orang lain tidak menyakiti kamu pula.Ingatlah bahawa sesungguhnya kamu akan menemui Tuhan kamu, dan dia pasti membuat perhitungan di atas segala amalan kamu. Allah telah mengharamkan riba', oleh itu segala urusan yang melibatkan riba' di batalkan mulai sekarang.

Berwaspada lah terhadap syaitan demi keselamatan agama kamu. Dia telah berputus asa untuk menyesatkan kamu dalam perkara perkara besar, maka berjaga jagalah supaya kamu tidak mengikutinya dalam perkara perkara kecil.

Wahai manusia , sebagaimana kamu mempunyai hak atas para isteri kamu, mereka juga mempunyai hak di atas kamu.Sekiranya mereka menyempurnakan hak mereka ke atas kamu, maka mereka juga berhak untuk diberi makan dan pakaian dalam suasana kasih sayang.Layanilah wanita-wanita kamu dengan baik dan berlemah lembutlah terhadap mereka kerana sesungguhnya mereka adalah teman dan pembantu kamu yang setia. Dan hak kamu atas mereka ialah mereka sama sekali tidak boleh memasukkan orang yang tidak kamu sukai ke dalam rumah kamu dan dilarang melakukan zina.

Wahai manusia dengarlah bersungguh-sungguh kata-kataku ini,sembahlah Allah, dirikan sembahyang lima kali sehari, berpuasalah di bulan Ramadhan,dan tunaikan zakat dan harta kekayaan kamu, kerjakan ibadah Haji sekiranya kamu mampu. Ketahuilah bahawa setiap Muslim adalah saudara kepada Muslim yang lain. Kamu semua adalah sama, tidak saorang pun yang lebih mulia dari yang lainnya kecuali dalam Taqwa dan Beramal Solleh.

Ingatlah, bahawa kamu akan mengadap Allah pada suatu hari untuk di pertanggungjawabkan di atas segala apa yang telah kamu kerjakan. Oleh itu, awasilah agar jangan sekali-kali kamu terkeluar dari landasan kebenaran selepas ketiadaanku. Wahai maanusia, tidak ada lagi Nabi dan Rasul yang akan datang selepasku dan tidak akan lahir agama baru. Oleh itu wahai manusia, nilailah dengan betul dan fahamilah kata-kataku yang telah disampaikan kepada kamu.

Sesunguhnya, aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara, yang sekiranya kamu berpegang teguh dan mengikut kedua keduanya, nescaya kamu tidak akan tersesat selama-lamanya, itulah Al-Quran dan Sunnahku. hendaklah orang-orang yang mendengar ucapanku, menyampaikannya kepada orang lain, dan hendaklah orang lain itu menyampaikan pula kepada yang lain. Semoga yang terakhir lebih memahami kata-kataku dari mereka yang mendengar terus dariku.

Saksikan Ya Allah, bahawasanya telah aku sampaikan risalahMu kepada hamba hambaMu.

(petikan khutbah diambil dari buku - Kisah Kehidupan Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah S.A.W,Penyusun :Abu Hikmah Al-Husni,Penerbit : DarulNuman


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

to feel, not to shrewd completely

Salam warahmatullah,
I wanna talk briefly bout INTEC and AUSMAT program in my point of view. ehemm..ok

INTEC(International Education Centre) or what I called them, The Land Of Crows( though its cleano-nitto environment, crows dominate INTEC) is a wide wide campus. but I dont have to go to each part of em. I usually went to the surau, class, bilik media which is in the same block to class, ausmat cafe, library, and not to forget, bus stop. frankly, I'm not used to the fact that students dont have uniforms, as most lecturers here look young. and I dont want this to happen :-

me: Salam kak, kakak taw x bilik E210 katner??
Lecturer: W'salam. oh, saye nak mengajar kat situlah lepas nie. jom...

well, on second thought, maybe that's a good thing, coz the lecturer will knew me and he/she will assume that I tought that he/she look young. which is a praise for her/him :D

it's been almost two weeks of my life as an INTECians. What I want to point here is that I'm kinda scared. why?? what?? why exactly?? haha, it's because of my program, AUSMAT. the thing is, if you ask someone who knows multiple programs is INTEC (like seniors, lecturers yadda yadda), If you tell them like, 'hye, Im studying AUSMAT', I'll bet(and I won :) ) that most of them will say like, 'wah, that's a though program, goodluck yaw'. At first, I don't wanna believe this whole AUSMAT-is-freakin-hard idea, but as I stay longer here, as I begin to understand how ausmat's programs work, as i heard my seniors 'keluh-kesah', I begin to realize that it is a fact. want an example?? ok. AUSMAT classes usually begin from 8 a.m untill 4 p.m and on semester 2(or maybe next month) some class will end at 6 p.m. while other programs might end their class as early as 2 p.m......that's life.

Not enough?? here's more. I'm taking engineering as my course, so it's compulsary for me to take mathematical studies and mathematic specialist. mathematical studies, as told by my lecturer, miss nurul, is pretty much like precalculus (she even suggest us to use precal books). here's the fun part. mathematic specialist, is far different than both. I don't wanna scare you( and me ), but last year, on external exam, only 40 out of(...umm I forgot, but must be more than 80 I guess, I hope) pass math spec.. yes,...pass. which the minimum marks to pass is 45.

but nevertheless, as a critical thinker I am, I take this as a reminder. A reminder that I, as an average( ?? naah, lower ) students which got here by chance(seriously, no kidding, alhamdulillah) should struggle more than others. I mean, if my classmates were running, I should teleport to catch up wif them :D

And I sure hope that I will not left my amal behind. In AUSMAT, the keyword here is Istiqamah. coz pop quizzez will literally pop. hahaha

well, though all that, I wish and I will make sure that I enjoy my life here. enjoy, as in, make friends, smile always, be active, and outshine( outshine and capub is two different things) others. hence the title..

Saturday, July 10, 2010

dream in Islam point of view

Salam Warahmatullah
yeah!! aku nak citer sket pasal mimpi nih. sebab baru2 ni( sebelum masuk intec r ), aku de pergi ceramah subuh ustaz kazim elias. die bwat tiap2 ahad lepas subuh...dekat nak habis holiday baru nak merangkak ( ok, aku tipu. merempit ) pegi masjid....ish3

so, mengenai mimpi ni. ade orang yang kerap mimpi, ade yang jarang mimpi..tapi hakikatnyer, 'phase mimpi' ni, berlaku tiap2 kali kite tido. cume kehendak tuhan je yang nak bagi kite mimpi ke x. sebab bile kite mimpi, otak kite akan jadi x aktif tapi berbentuk gelombang, die akan naik turun dari aktif ( phase alpha ) ke aktif ( phase beta ). dalam phase aktif inilah, kite akan dapat kemungkinan untuk bermimpi..selalunye phase ni occur dalam 3 4 kali semalam. kalau nak check orang tgh tidur tgh mimpi ke x, tgok anak mate die. kalau gerak2 tu, mungkin sedang mimpi..haha. sume mende aku cakap nie, aku dapat dari pesta SEM type III kat mrsm taiping..huhu deorang bwat satu alat yang boleh stabilkan otak kite ke paras aktif, teori diorang, kalau menjadi, kite boleh tentukan ape kite nak mimpi hanya dengan fokus sebelum tido..sebab ape yang kite fikir tu akan jadi direct stimuli ke mimpi kite...menarik kan?? haha tapi sayang, hanya sekadar TEORI

oklah, ustaz kazim cakap kite pada akhir zaman ini, mimpi umat Islam akan semakin menjadi realiti. maksudnye, kebarangkalian untuk mimpi korang jadi btol semakin tinggi. tambahan lagi, kalau kite dari orang yang jujur, x suke menipu..maka mimpi kite pon x menipulah. lagi satu, mimpi ini merupakan 1/45 daripada bahagian kenabian. sebab wahyu bole diturunkan melaui mimpi seperti nabi yusuf. ak xingat cite die haha... die cakap mimpi ni ade 3 jenis
1. Mimpi dari Allah s.w.t.
mimpi dari Allah ni, mimpi yang baik, dan bermotif memberi petunjuk..hanya mimpi dari Allah yang ade tafsir. dan tafsir nie dari hadis..ustaz tu ade gtaw, tapi aku x ingat (dan x jumpe kat google :P). haha tapi aku ingat, mimpi pasal air sumenye ade tafsir

2. mimpi dari syaitan laknatullah
mimpi jenis nilah yang orang cakap nightmare. yang mane korang rase x menyenangkan, ataw lagi teruk, korang terjage kerana mimpi itu, sampai berpeluh2, sampai menggigil. korang pernah x?? aku pernah. haha xyah cite r. kalau korang nak nightmare, senang je, jangan basuh tangan ataw kaki bersih2 sebelum tido. try r. haha. kalau korang mengalami mimpi macam ni, ade step die

a. bangun dan berdiri dari tempat tidur.
b. ludah ke kiri 3 kali. pastu bacalah 'auzubillahiminasyaitonirrajim waminsyarrima roaitu'
c. bwat solat tahajjud ke, solat hajat ke, jangan tidur balik. kalau nak tido balik, sile tidur di tempat lain.
d. jangan cerite kat orang lain, dan bertawakkallah

3. mimpi dari pengalaman lepas.
mimpi jenis ni boleh dikire 'trash dream'. sebab xde pape maksud. selalu kerap terjadi pabila korang terbawak2 perkara di siang hari sampai termimpi2. contoh lah, siang tadi, korang ade jumpe kawan lame, pastu malam tu, korang mimpi deorang. haha.. selalunye akan terjadi pada awal waktu korang tido, maksudnye sebelum korang nyenyak. dalam pukul 1 pagi gitu
antara mimpi yang baik adalah mimpi korang dirantai di kaki. maknanya korang akan kekal beriman. sebaliknya, mimpi korang dirantai di leher membawa maksud korang akan dikongkong ataw terpengaruh. so banyakkan beristighfar kalau dapat mimpi camnie. semua yang ustaz kazim ni, berdasarkan himpunan hadis sahih muslim, dan aku berjaye cari. yess!!

Hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah ra.:
Dari Nabi s.a.w. bahawa beliau bersabda: Ketika kiamat telah mendekat, mimpi seorang muslim hampir tidak ada dustanya. Mimpi salah seorang di antara kalian yang paling mendekati kebenaran adalah mimpi orang yang paling jujur dalam berbicara. Mimpi orang muslim adalah termasuk satu dari empat puluh lima bagian kenabian. Mimpi itu dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok: Mimpi yang baik, yaitu khabar gembira yang datang dari Allah. Mimpi yang menyedihkan, iaitu mimpi yang datang dari syaitan. Dan mimpi yang datang dari bisikan diri sendiri. Jika salah seorang di antara kalian bermimpi yang tidak menyenangkan, maka hendaknya dia bangun dari tidur lalu mengerjakan solat dan hendaknya jangan dia ceritakan mimpi tersebut kepada orang lain. Beliau berkata: Aku gembira bila mimpi terikat dengan tali dan tidak suka bila mimpi dengan leher terbelenggu. Tali adalah lambang keteguhan dalam beragama. Kata Abu Hurairah: Aku tidak tahu apakah ia termasuk hadis atau ucapan Ibnu Sirin
Nombor hadis dalam kitab Sahih Muslim [Bahasa Arab saja]: 4200

dan satu lagi:-

Hadis riwayat Abu Qatadah ra., ia berkata:
Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah saw. bersabda: Mimpi baik (rukyah) itu datang dari Allah dan mimpi buruk (hilm) datang dari syaitan. Maka apabila salah seorang di antara kalian bermimpi yang tidak menyenangkan hendaklah dia meludah ke samping kiri sebanyak tiga kali dan memohon perlindungan kepada Allah dari kejahatannya sehingga mimpi itu tidak akan membahayakannya
Nombor hadis dalam kitab Sahih Muslim [Bahasa Arab saja]: 4195

korang taw x solat istikharah, keputusannya boleh didapati dari mimpi. contoh la..korang xtaw nak masuk U mane. korang bwat solat istikharah 2 rakaat, mintak tuhan kasi petunjuk. pastu terus tidur..insyaallah dapat mimpi. camne nak taw bende tu baik ke x? ade hint die..tgok mane yang lebih natural. maksudnye yang ade sungai2, pokok2, serba putih, itulah yang baik...

dan ramai orang yang nak bermimpi jumpa nabi muhammad s.a.w. bertuahlah siapa yang dapat. aku pon nak gak. kalau korang berhajat, pon ade care die. 1st, solat hajat sebelum tido. 2nd, ade doa die, tapi aku lupe :P sorri. 3rd, pastikan tempat tidur korang bersih. kalau korang dapat mimpi camnie, jangan ragu2 sebab :-

Hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah ra., ia berkata:
Rasulullah saw. bersabda: Barang siapa melihatku dalam mimpi, maka dia benar-benar telah melihatku. Sesungguhnya syaitan tidak dapat menjelma sepertiku
Nombor hadis dalam kitab Sahih Muslim [Bahasa Arab saja]: 4206


Saturday, July 3, 2010

switching mode: sluggish

though the fact that I wont be as active like b4, Ill keep doing my stuff..yeah arty stuff..and to collect some useful knowledge to share it here =), here's my latest work...

I made two copy here, i keep the unfinished one coz I was thinkin to print it on tee-shirt. well, I still cant do it myself yet so maybe i'll have to ask some shop to do it.

If you remember( or if ur kind/rajin enough to look at my older art post ), this, too, is a stereotype of rahmat harun art. but no, I dont trace his drawing. nonono.. I just copying his...inspiration. the whole drawing is purely my idea.

this is my favourite. my all star nomnomnom shoes. hahaha. but still, there seems to be prob. first, pacmania game, their background is black, or dark blue if I remember correctly. second, yellow shoes is soooo daring. hahaha. but I love'em. coz Im applying this picture on converse all star contest and hey, many people( mostly from france?) like it!!!( and thats's why I love facebook :) )

this is a shirt I design for my beloved friend, muneer, for his belated birthday. this kind of art is called ambigram-words that can be read in more than 1 way. as u can see...this one says 'I LOVE FART...' and if we flip it like this....

It will read ' BUT I HATE FLATULENCE...'....don't get it?? allow me to explain. fart and flatulence are both rhe same thing. kentut in malay. the thing is, fart is a verb while flatulence is a noun.....It makes sense love to fart, but do you love flatulence?? :D

backpicture. its his fav( I dunno, but Its easy to draw:P) camera. Diana F+ Lomo Camera.


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah..

well, almost all my friends had continue their study. and my turn had come. I'm gonna register for INTEC this Sunday. soo, maybe I aint gonna be active like before...I would like to take this oppoturnity to apologize to all of ya who read my blog. for sometimes( most of the times act), It got nothing beneficial . so, I'm sorry for wasting ur, really I'm soo sorry.

so the next time, starting rite now, I'll give u something to ponder. even if its not the main point. I'll try.. SO, before I start yadda-yaddaing bout my art,I would like to elaborate bout 'arrogant' or sombong dan takbur =)

sifat sombong ni amat tidak disukai oleh allah. banyak firman Allah s.a.w. yang mencela dan mengutuk orang yang sombong. antaranye, Allah s.w.t. berfirman yang bermaksud:-

Dan janganlah kamu memalingkan muka kamu dari manusia (karena sombong) dan janganlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi dengan angkuh. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri. [Surah Luqman:18]

Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang mendustakan ayat-ayat (perintah) Kami dan yang angkuh (merasa dirinya lebih) daripada mematuhinya, tidak sekali-kali akan dibukakan bagi mereka pintu-pintu langit dan mereka tidak akan masuk Syurga sehingga unta masuk di lubang jarum dan demikianlah Kami membalas orang-orang yang melakukan kesalahan.
Al-A'raf ayat 40

Sebenarnya, bahawa Allah mengetahui akan apa yang mereka sembunyikan dan apa yang mereka zahirkan; sesungguhnya Ia tidak suka kepada orang-orang yang sombong takbur
Al-Nahl ayat 23

Dan pada hari kiamat, engkau akan melihat orang-orang yang berdusta terhadap Allah (dan yang menyatakan kesedihan itu) – muka mereka hitam legam; bukankah (telah diketahui bahawa) dalam neraka Jahannam disediakan tempat tinggal bagi orang-orang yang sombong takbur?
Az-Zumar ayat 60 I would like to share some tips from beloved Imam Al-Gazali about how not to be arrogant or sombong, takbur,dan yang sewaktu dengannye :-

1. Jika berjumpa dengan kanak-kanak, anggaplah kanak-kanak itu lebih mulia daripada kita, kerana kanak-kanak ini belum banyak melakukan dosa daripada kita.

2. Apabila bertemu dengan orang tua, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita kerana dia sudah lama beribadat.

3. Jika berjumpa dengan orang alim, anggaplah dia lebih mulia daripada kita kerana banyak ilmu yang telah mereka pelajari dan ketahui.

4. Apabila melihat orang jahil, anggaplah mereka lebih mulia daripada kita kerana mereka membuat dosa dalam kejahilan, sedangkan kita membuat dosa dalam keadaan mengetahui..

5. Jika melihat orang jahat, jangan anggap kita lebih mulia kerana mungkin satu hari nanti dia akan insaf dan bertaubat atas kesalahannya.

6. Apabila bertemu dengan orang kafir, katakan didalam hati bahawa mungkin suatu hari nanti mereka akan diberi hidayah oleh Allah dan akan memluk Islam, maka segala dosa mereka akan diampuni oleh Allah

so kengkawan, saye ingin memberi peringatan, sehebat, sebijak, seobviously better mane pon kite dengan mane2 makhluk Allah, janganlah kite sombong ngan die. mane anda taw, tah2 satu hari nnti die akan jadi baik, malah mungkin lagi baik dari anda...ok? wallahualam..( aku igt nak wat selingan je, tapi sbb panjang sangat, aku wat post pasal art asing :P)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

unexpected solution..

Salam warahmatullah
Before this I got one problemo bout my Ibadah. that is being hard to kusyu' in my solat. yup. everytime I perform my solat, my mind will like..wander, about dunya thingy. anything. from what to do next, to and peoples, even about the sejadah I'm standing at. haha. but It turns out that thingy had slowly gone. I figure out why and how. maybe it's becoz solat jemaah. before this, I hate solat jemaah. excuse? this kusyu' stuff. haha jahiliah btol. but, as the old says 'alah bisa tegal biasa'. so maybe going to the mosque is the solution. and one more. tahlil. yup. trust me. if u got the same problem like me, I suggest you to do this. perform solat berjemaah and to tahlil. insyaallah, it'll work. i pray for ya!!


Salam warahmatullah
this evening, I had an accident at lekir. but like always, it's not becoz of other's car or sumthin. just becoz I lost balance when I about to make a U-turn at red soil. I'm not injured though. just a lil bruise on my palm. but my scooter, the left side-mirror cracked( and a scratch on the left side). well, it's a fact that the side-mirror had been unfunctional for long, so i guess I'm not in trouble( lalala~). act, I planned on making a surprise coming to my new house in lekir which my mom was there already to umm..tidy up. but lastly, I'm kinda lost( I only notice that after 10 minutes riding through palm estate ). so I make a U-turn, and walaweh! seriously I'm very glad and graceful to God. alhamdulillah.

coz I'm thinkin If He make me dead back there, maybe it'll take time to find my body( it's a surprise, remember? ). Alhamdulillah. so, lesson that i got:

  1. never make a U-turn at speed more than 10 km/h.

  2. especially with a heavy scooter

  3. plus in a soft, low-grip, red soil

  4. never make a surprise if ye don't know where ur heading :P

  5. next time I'm ridin, think of cruisin instead of stampeding. we've got time

ish3...luke cenonet pon nak tayang. haha

But I kinda upset coz when I told me dad bout this, he ask about the scooter first, and not me( in fact, he didn't ask bout me at all ). but naah no need. i'm fine with it. really...

uh-oh, and i think I deserve this. haha coz on my way to lekir, there's a couple of bikers who's wanna rempit ( cine ). though I'm not involved, but satan-laknatullah, he make me wanna join em. so I did. and I won. coz I ran unto a red light. lucky me there's no car from the other side. so next time, just cruise.. hahaha..adui. so I warning ya, appreciate urself. don't die upon making a surprise visit. x bermakne langsong.. haha baik mati on de way g masjid ke..

speaking of which, I wanna take this opporturnity to invite u all, mari mengimarahkan masjid. haha mule2 berat r. lame2 rase bes insyaallah...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

full list of my weird/funfact....

this is a request from one of my friend. act, she/he ask me to do but hell I hate I figure, it's easier to make a full list of what I'm made of( only the weird/fun one, not like: hey, I'm a Malay) here.. so he/she can view it here....though the way I see it, this is completely ummm....absurd/ridiculous/preposterous/embarassing/disgraceful/time-wastin/unnecessary, but I do it. just for the hell of it :P consider this is for me..I'll start with 11 entry first, and I'll keep updating till ummm 100 maybe. haha



  1. I dont comb my hair. and usually I'll comb it in the morning just for the fact that it'll improve bloodflow. after that i'll just use my hand.
  2. after washing my hand. I usually rub my hand to my hair to dry it and to wet my hair.
  3. Seriously, I love cat. altough some people might had saw me being nasty to them, but let just say that I do it for publicity. some..usually, I'll talk to them.
  4. I greet trees and animals. by giving them salam.
  5. when I was a child, my biggest dream is to throw a paperplane from top of klcc and watch as it fly.
  6. singing improves my confidence. and I use music as an escape for my problem
  7. I love to speak my thought. And I love to argue. but when I see that the arguing had become pointless, based on emotion, and doesn't benefits anymore I'll admit defeat, stay quiet, or ask for, saye suke beralah.
  8. At home(and class), whenever there's a chance, I'll throw things( eg: dry trash to dustbin, lil bro's toy to box, etc) just to maintain my shooting, and to feel the sweet feeling of accomplishment.
  9. some people find me dirty, but I'm not afraid of animals that can't kill humans.
  10. couple, no. love, everybody. haha yea I'm not planning to be serious in relationship unless I see bright opportunity to make it to marriage. In fact, that's the first reason why I'm flirting dayah ONCE. coz her home is close to mine, her bro know mine. my mom know her dad. haha( okay, this is embarassing ) but it turns out ther'es no luck( or maybe I'm not serious enough ). so to gals out there. If you see me like, flirting with you, I'm not. people call that 'being nice'.
  11. weird things that I've ate: grass, fruitworm, TADPOLE, treebark, paper, eraserdust. pencil shavings. and the list goes on.
  12. scratching head/ pull my hair improves my thinking. especially in math.
  13. I love nasyid, and metal band as well( imagine in ur playlist, after listening to slipknot-people=shit, then it changes to nowseeheart-damai yg hilang)..uh-oh, I even includes ayatul quran in my playlist...
  14. my name really is mohd taufiq. the mohd is not a short for mohammad( to all doctor wannabe, please double check ur writing). but don't ever call me like, hey 'mode' taufiq. I'll slay you.
  15. frankly, I love art subject more than engineering. and I love medic more than engineering( but art still on top). the only reason I take engineering is becoz medic can't go with art. ummm why r. maybe becoz the fact that our life rite now is totally overperfect. not like medic and art. people get sick everyday. and art, is limitless....
  16. I'm meesedaphobic.
  17. pencil/pen + time = doodling
  18. my mom call me topek

ummm naah I don't think i wanna make it to to 100. haha if so, I'll have no privacy, at maybe this is it. haha wekkk!!! :P

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Niat Murni...

org2 tua mmg suke bersedekah. terutamanya dalam majlis2 macam kenduri kawen, kematian, majlis kesyukuran ke. dan mmg sunnah nabi supaya sedekah ngan ikhlas dan rahsia. 'tangan kanan memberi, tangan kiri tak tahu'. yup, btol. so ak tgok macam2 cara deorang sembunyikan sedekah deorang. dan ak rase lawak pon ade, tapi niat deorang sume baik. insyaallah

1. salam dengan duit di tangan : yg ni popular. selalu je ak tgok. kekadang tu x kene mase pon ade, tgah sembang2, tetibe salam, gelak2 ataw sambung sembang. haha

2. peluk, pastu letak duit dalam poket baju : ni style ayah ak, slalu gak jumpe org lain buat. macam kasi rasuah/dadah pon ade. haha

3. selit bawah buku ataw perkakas rumah yg selalu digune

4. selit dalam hadiah biase, contoh: buku yaasin.

tahap hagemaru:-
5. letak dalam tandas dengan nota: ni ak penah jumpe. haha da r banyak, 100. gile ah. ntah2 org tu x amik pon.

6. letak dalam poket/ pampers bayi orang yg berkenaan: wtf???

7. bwat2 berhutang dengan orang berkenaan, pastu kasi sedekah sambil kenyit mate: komen

sume ni ak penah jumpe/tengok..hahaha dan ak rase ad yg lagi pelik kot. sgt pelik sampai ak x nampak :P

so konkusinye, jom amalkan sedekah!!

Monday, June 7, 2010 it

salam warahmatullah usual, I'm posting my drawing. I bet you can clearly see my improvement since the first tryout rite? its kinda obvious really..all thanks to ..time. haha yup this sickening waiting period is proven worth it after all. I get to improve my drawing skill, make friends( virtual one,,,T-T) to learn more about Islam( sebenanye ak ade plan nak hafal certain2 surah, tapi sampai skang blom lagi, aduhh ), and....grow up :P

american-stroke, usually details in face wrinkles and shape

also, american's stroke seems to use bold lining and contrast, bright color. notice the writing on the dude's shirt?? hehehe it's my shirt, discord harmonics:D


the only reason I upload this unedited drawing coz most my frens don't believe that the colored version is mine. they saya Im taking it from internet. hahaha I take that as a praise thank you. but frankly this is not fully my idea. the hair and coloring bit, Im just taking it from random picture in the internet..but hey, it's still is my drawing!!


after, japan anime stroke, highly fashion disaster, less words, unreal, perfect-looking face

yup. I made this...myself...using PAINT:D you see how colors can change a picture..


tadaa!! haha

this is my drawing of my classmates, based on their nickname( or teasecharacter to be precise :P ). you know, I took a really, long time coloring this pic coz it got lots of character hence lots of colors. haha here's the character list and how they got the name.

  • Girrafe as pidot, why: he's the tallest guy in my class
  • Devil with gun as Sapek, why: umm, he's nasty?? haha uh-oh, and he's a sharpsooter.
  • Elephant with mcd as Ammar, why: he got such a big ear and he's a mcd bussinessman.
  • Wau as Sheila, why: she's kelate?? :D
  • Sivik book as Hafiz, why: his face look alike our Sivik teacher, Sir Roslan
  • Onion as Luqman, why: he got a hair like one ( only smells better )
  • Guy with bball as Yasser, why: he is :P
  • Gal with braces as Aiza, why: she is :P
  • Panda with wings as Amirul, why: he got eyes like one, and he luuuuuves to fly
  • Squidward as Amir, why: he sound like one, got nose like one, and behave like one. haha
  • Himawari as Iman, why: she's..umm..cute?
  • green mushroom as Hidayah, why: maybe coz she likes green, and I have noo idea about the mushroom
  • Angelina jolie in PPSP blazer as Alyani, why: she got lips like one, haha and yes, she's a PPSP.
  • Kamen Rider as tiqah, why: act there's no point here. the only character I could think of is this
  • Dolphin balancing chem book as Ayu, why: she want it that way, and she's good at chem( pretty much everything act )
  • Purple fairy as Azura, why: same case as Ayu
  • Heartless Biker as Azrin, why: he is :P
  • Guy with Camerahead as Muneer, why: he's lomoholic
  • BWP with pyramid head as Anis, why: she's so excited about going to further her studies in Egypt and she's a BWP.
  • Mama as Pija, why: ummm..I dunno, she's motherly?? this is girly stuff, I just follow em :DD
  • Fairy Godmother as Lala, why: umm she's kind?? same case as above
  • Elevating emo skinny guy as Faiz rajaie, why: he's underweight, and he got emo hair.
  • Old guy with scars as najmi, why: he really have one, and, he got a few grey hair.
  • WOHOO gal as Norwan, why: everytime I heard a wohoo, I think of her
  • Ribena playing paperplane as Me!!, why: umm, coz I'm playful in a childish way and I luv making paperplane back in school..haha

well, that's everyone...:)

Friday, June 4, 2010


Salam warahmatullah

I'm kinda dissappointed that the first person that I heard questioning the free gaza demonstration is a Muslim...hmmm pointless?? I see this activity as a medium to proselytising the non-muslim, for them to get to know more about Islam. and for us muslim to tighten our ukhwah. besides, speaking publicly against such brutal act is the least we can do. I mean hey, org US pon bwat. kite rilek je? at least they know that we're not agree with their doings...bak kate org tue, 'diam tu tande setuju'. especially when we're muslim. plus, the demonstration done in kl, they officially make a memorandum out of it and send it to..umm Israel embassy.

please, do open ur heart. simply by solat 5 waktu..itu pun dah cukup..why should u object such thing? absurd, I say.

NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W BERSABDA : "BARANG SIAPA YANG TIDUR NYENYAK DAN TIDAK MENGAMBIL PEDULI URUSAN UMAT ISLAM, MAKA IA BUKAN DARI GOLONGAN MEREKA (yakni bkn dr golongan umat Islam)." (Hadith Riwayat al-Baihaqi dalam 'Shuab al-iman', at-Tabari, Abu Nu'a

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My theory - Zionist deep secret of success

Salam warahmatullah

everyone was aware of what's happening on the 31th of May, the attack from Israel really puts all the world to rage and anger. sure why not,what they, the zionist do obviously against humanity. then it got me thinkin, how do they do it like that without fear or doubt. now let's look back on how can they do it? I mean all this time they were doing it. this notrocity. How can they, the Zionist, get away with all their dirty crime? to answer this, we have to look back on what they do, what they've achieve so far that we should thank them? yup. the Zionist, or should I say, the jewish( I dont wanna use jewish pretty much coz theres also a jew in US, UK, and German), have been a very bright, succesful people that they called themselves peoples of God.

Albert Enstein-the character 'mad scientist' was originated by his:)

the Jews have achieve such achievement that we are too smart to ignore. seriously. I mean, do you know Albert Einstein? the theorical physicist? yah of course you do!ok, how about Niels bohr? the chemist. ok that's preposterously easy. here's more of jew's wall of fame:-

Lazlo Biro- inventor of ballpoint pen (jename Biro tu dari die r, boikot!)

Levi Strauss- inventor of Jeans (same case as above)

Robert Adler-inventor of remote control (berat hati nak berterime kasih kat die..T-T)
System of a Down - famous band.( dan ak letak dalam blog ak? ish3)

Gordon Gould-inventor of laser

David Blaine, David Copperfield, Houdini - famous magician.

"In Effort to Lift Their Rankings, Colleges Recruit Jewish Students." That was the front page headline from the April 29, 2002

SAT test was originated by Stanley Kaplan, who is, yeah..a Jew( tgok ni yus!! :D)

At Harvard, the current enrollment is 26 percent Jewish, 17 percent Asian, 7 percent black, 8 percent Hispanic and 1 percent American Indian/Alaskan native. In short, the minorities are the majority at Harvard.( 1998 )

◦David Akerlof - UC Berkeley
◦Kenneth Arrow - Stanford and Harvard
◦Gary Becker - University of Chicago
◦Robert Fogel - Harvard and University of Chicago
◦Milton Friedman - University of Chicago and Hoover Institute at Stanford
◦John C. Harsanyi - UC Berkeley
◦Kaniel Kahneman - Princeton University
◦Lawrence Klein - University of Pennsylvania and Oxford
all these are the professor who won nobels for economics.

Jews won 14 percent of the Nobels. Between 1950 and 2000, however, they won 29 percent - this after six million Jews, roughly one-third of their total population, were destroyed in the Holocaust.

◦Artists & Entertainers: Richard Rogers, Oscar Hammerstein, Bob Dylan and Steven Spielberg

Jews dominate Chess. Jocks they may or may not be, but chess champions, they most certainly are. Of eighteen recognized World Chess Champions since 1866 at least seven, and perhaps as many as ten, are of Jewish ancestry and of them, a surprising number are half Jewish

Karl Max-revolutioner, philosopher..

See? the truth is jew really outshine other ethics. wether we like it or not, we have to agree. as I stated above, they( and even some other peoples) call themselves the people of god. why on earth?? here's my perception. remember back in the age of Moses, after they crossed the Red Sea to run away from Pharaoh? well, after that, the Jewish said to Moses that they were hungry. then moses pray to Allah for help. after that, Allah send them food. manna and salwa from heaven :-

Dan Kami telah menaungi kamu dengan awan (dari panas matahari di padang pasir) dan Kami turunkan kepada kamu “Manna” dan “Salwa”, (serta Kami berfirman): “Makanlah dari makanan-makanan yang baik yang Kami telah kurniakan kepada kamu”. Dan tidaklah mereka menganiaya Kami (sebab mereka kufurkan nikmat itu), tetapi sebenarnya mereka adalah menganiaya diri sendiri
Al-Baqarah ayat 57

the gathering of manna-art from jew artist

So, my theory is that they, the Jews had became so smart due to this incident. yes, their people, have ate food from heaven. so it's like little piece of heaven is in their blood all the time. its no wonder. It's like, heaven, one of God's greatest creation so their food must be so good, it affect the Jew's mentality. but sadly, It has been misused by them to dominate the world-in the wrong way. you get the picture rite? I hope so, coz I don't wanna elaborate more. kerane saye tidak berilmu dalam hal ini. wallahualam..

Monday, May 31, 2010

going up..with colors!!

gahaha im fed up with myself for doing nothing at all nowadays. but with more time to kill. means that more drawing can be done!! haha its kinda funny coz back in schooldays, ive never got a chance to spend my time from zohor to asar drawing! but now, its a necessity...once, I thought that this is totally worthless. i mean, why'd I do this for?? and maybe I can come up with better activity to be done. but Ive tried changing my schedule by reading books after zohor and play games. and you know what? I slept on both tries( tido waktu tgh main, believe it!!) haha..oh and Ive curently change my routine last week and i think its good enough to last for this whole 5 weeks.

my routine:-

1. wake up for subuh(and not sleeping back :D)
2. went to play basketball from 7.30 to 9.oo+-
3. doing house chores
4. watch tv( usually discovery, ngc, history, and lil bit of mtv and bbc just to update myself with current songs and news:)
5. zohor
6. sleep for an hour :P

7. drawing

8. asar

9. house chores

10. play badminton with lil bro( penat kutip shuttle je..T-T)

11. maghrib

12. islamic stuff

13. isyak

14. reading ( currently reading the lovely bones, diary of a wimpy kid, and dictionary(?!)

15. help lil bro doing his homework (plus extra tuition)

16.continue with drawing

note: I dont list on9 coz Im on9 pretty much all the time( on9 means facebooking, watching vid on youtube, play games, reading blogs and articles, editing my drawing on lappy, listening to music, and downloading stuffs)

but the only thing Im sharing here is my drawing hehe so heres the latest..

I love this one. so..comical

actually this is a request from a friend of mine, anisa pattel from new york. she ask me to draw her a curry monster..,,so here it is. all the colouring are made by paint.

its harder than it seems

when I was a kiddo, I used to make something like this, continuous line filling up the whole page. but here I add on some more meaning to it..but sigh, I failed. notice that ive put hidden words in the tubes lining. its supposed to says 'I come in peace'. but I forgot to put the 'e' which change the whole meaning to 'I come in pace' hahahah pace=langkah. gahaha

yela tapi nak kaler ko susah taw x!!?

O yeah I'm so gonna make you a tee-shirt!! ill tell you how I color all my drawings

1. draw using marker, pen or pencil sketch

2. crop using photo viewer

3. maximise contrast( to reduce unnecessary detail like paper texture, and dirt )

4. open with paint. remove any other unnecessarities

5. fill up space by using bucket tools.last touchup using photo gallery( usually adjusting hue, colour temperature and tint)

6. upload!!

the quickest yet meaningful :D

I finish drawing this(including editing) by 20 minutes +- which is a record!( even the diver drawings takes an hour!). this I made after the breaking news of Gaza convoy attack by Israel. You might seen the news in the tv or internet. Its rather sad and dissappointing, but whatever it is, something's gonna happen after this. whatever the response, will have a BIG effects on world specifically to Muslim. here you can watch this clip from facebook

now that you've watch it, I ask you, do you see any kind of threat in the activist? I mean look, they were defendless, far more impossible to be accused armed. and look, theres an old folks who the oldest is 88 years old! and also women on board and a one year old child!! yea israel is soo in trouble explaining this to the world. yea now that their true face is revealed. my opinion of whats happening next?? I dunno, but Im pretty much think that it will turn worse for us muslims. why?? coz I read The Holy Quran. that's why...

well that's all for the drawing..

I hope by sharing this helps whoever interested in art to learn. (ini ilmu jugak!!)
btw, this evening im not drawing. Im writing a report of ahmad deedad's debate. credit to luke .logan :D

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 do not see this

well, Im still experimenting with the shading. and my stroke. yep, I wanna try a different kind of stroke. i do this by simply looking at other people's drawing and apply their tecniques to my drawing. its like what Albert Einstein once said,'' example isn't another way to teach, its the only way to teach''. far so good..n_n


... now I learn that unnecessary line actually is necessary...

yup, unnecessary lines are generally used by artist to give texture to the object. like if the object is shiny, well the shading should be clear and solid. meanwhile if the object is rough, the shading should be..rough( single line on top of the other, weblike )

this is better, coz its darker :DD

this kind of stroke is widely used in america where you just have to darken the object but leaving a space gap between the actual line. believe me, this effect works in almost anything. thought Im explaining bout shading, theres one important thing I havent done yet, smudging-which can only be done by pencil or charcoal. its a great art of shading due to its ability to tone and to fill up space in a dime. but I cant do it just yet for two reasons, I use pen and marker, and I cant figure out how to do it yet.

ok ive done it!! (this is an update)

well heres my first try...bad isnt it?

the second try. I used pretty much everything. pencil, pen, marker, paint, and picture manager:)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

you do not see this..

nothing to see here..shoe-shoe.. hahaha

dah gi wat mende lain. jgn dok buang masa kat sini. tu rumah bersepah gi r kemas!!!!
*kate topek kepade dirinye..'s another of my drawing. it seem pointless, but I say I learn something new!!


well,not so bad for a beginner rite?

I learn that if you bold the flip in the shirt or any clothing material, It will look works on hair/fur) and Im learning this from azri whom i met on fb. so, thank you azri(and fb:P). haha

trying to draw with a cuter stroke.....

..epic fail

Monday, May 24, 2010

kangaroo for dinner:)

so here's what im about to face, AUSMAT. australian matriculation...I've search bout it for details coz I really dont have the slighest idea bout this thing. but I'm absolutely going for it(like duuh, you think I have any other choices? :D) though its name, I aint definitely going to australia coz there's also placement at new zealand...which kinda pissed me off..grrr


The Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) Programme is a one-and-a-half-year package for selected students to further their studies in Australia and New Zealand. Courses are conducted based on the curriculum set by the SACE Board of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia. Students will acquire the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) which is recognized by all Australian and New Zealand universities. It is also accepted by universities in the United Kingdom and Canada. ( US??)

The programme prepares students to major in Science (Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, etc) and Non-Science (Accountancy, Actuarial Science, Economics, Architecture, etc) courses.

The Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) is a popular pre-university program administered by the Curriculum Council of the Government of Western Australia which is responsible for the development and accreditation of courses of study for post compulsory schooling and for the assessment and certification of student achievement.

At the end of this 10 months program, students will be required to sit for the Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE) which is equivalent to the Year 12 curriculum of Western Australia.

Entry Requirements
SPM, O-levels or its equivalent with 5 credits including English, mathematics / science.

January and March

RM 8,500 - RM 11,000 (trimas MARA!!!)

so, 1 year and 5 months at intec, and whoosh!!


English as Second Language Studies
Mathematical Studies
Computer Programming
Islamic Education Studies / Moral Studies
Plus (any 3)
Science :

Specialist Mathematics

In addition to these subjects, students will have to study the compulsory MQA subjects which include: Malaysian studies, moral/Islamic studies and Bahasa Malaysia (exempted if a credit in Bahasa Malaysia has been obtained at SPM Level)


Monash University
University of Melbourne
University of Adelaide
University of Sydney
University of Queensland
University of New South Wales
University of Western Australia
Australian National University


University of Auckland
University of Otago
University of Canterbury
Waikato University
Lincoln University
Massey University
Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland University of Technology

50% of the assessment is based on course work and the other 50% on an external examination, which is Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE). The TEE is recognized by most universities around the world, especially Australia, as an entrance qualification for degree programs in various universities.

there's still more that I want to know bout this thing especially bout the intec...but It seems that I cant find any useful sites(even the intec's homepage)

to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but truth, im not so go-go for this stuff...yea im just following the flow of the future blow...if u noe what i mean ;)

Friday, May 21, 2010


ok, so thats not my last post....n_n

well at least SOMETHING happened..

well, Im sharing this story coz....coz I want to!! and I can!! haha :P

this happened yesterday morning..

I wake up in the morning( and doesnt feeling like P Diddy) at 6.45(ish3)...performing my subuh..then watch Malaysia Hari Ini as I wait my lil brother and mother to go to school. then, firstly as usual, I make a kole of milo. then I start....sidai baju by taking all the clothes that have been washed out from the washing machine. put them on a hanger and put a penyepit baju on it. as I do that, I notice two suspicious-looking guys at the loji which is at the back of my house. i've never seen them before neither their car. one of them were already inside the loji. then something comes in my head. I've heard that steel-stealing is pretty active in my town. so I'm expecting them as a steel thief for some reasons:-

  1. Although the fact that were having problems with the loji and they're probably the workers who tried to identify the problems, but the gates is I suppose the grey guy is entering the loji illegally.

  2. they dont seem to do anything. more like waiting for me to re-enter my house. the grey guy, he just wondering around while observing the steel trapdoor(xtaw name die:P)

  3. the yellow guy, his job seems to make sure the line is clear. he always look around like a hungry man looking for food.

  4. BOTH keep staring at me. they even whisper each other while pointing at me and even gave me a thumbs up!!! WTF??

  5. they're not in uniform :P

I feel so unconfortable and the feeling keeps growing. at last, I've decided to make a move. I went inside. grab my phone. and try to take their picture. Its kinda hard coz I've to wait till both are not looking at me. then I got it. second move, i memorise their car plate, and write them afterwards... so I wrote AER 6876-waja on a last move, is to delay their project by staying outside although i've finished with the laundry.

susah tol nak pandang belakang pehal?? nah!!! ka-chak!!

after several minutes, they left. so I went outside to sidai baju. I notice a bunch of papers scattered on the ground. I pick it up..and analyze. its a paper from jabatan bekalan air. ok, so i guess I was wrong for suspecting them. but wait!! whats that on the paper?? its a blood stain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my adrenaline is pumping high. I decided to keep them just in case some news show up, I can give this to help.


then, I continue with my routine which is cooking rice and facebooking. then I heard a shout at the back. adek!! adek!!

me: ye saye??

yellow guy: nampak x borang kat luar tadi?? tercicir pulak.

me: ooo, ni ke?*menunjukkan borang tapi x kasi lagi , nape abg x masuk ikut pagar depan tadi?

yellow guy: haha, xde, tadi kitorang nak amik kunci abg yg pgg kunci tu dah pegi kerja. so, terpakselah jugak ikut belakang. dahla tempat ni jauh dari jabatan bekalan air nye office, malas nak datang dah. abg cari2 r gak org yg pegang kunci tu. xnampak pulak.

me: ...ok, nah *kasi borang tu

yellow guy: trime kasih bebanyak. adek ni bagus la, dah pandai cuci baju sendiri..*sambil thumbs up kat aku* ok abg balik dulu, assalamualaikum

me:....waalaikumussalam warahmatullah...(perasan yang ibu jari kiri abang tu berbalut)


ok that explains everything..n_n

moral of the story: sidai baju awal sikit XD

umm this might be my last post for a period of time coz Im about to go to UiTM. so, till next time!!!

p/s: banyak grammar salah, aku taw...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

welcome to the caged, framed, limited world...

hahahah sounds pretty big and awful, but its just about me and my spectacles. yup I started wearing it yesterday. so to UiTMians, OR someone who get to MARA's scolarship's university with me insyaallah..will be seeing me wearing glasses. firstly, I wanna say that I'm not happy with it...why? firstly, coz it cost me dear...naah kidding. but still, its not a gim-crack that can be toy with..its pretty expensive, so its precious...and its in my face..T-T

besides, it also remarks the badness that this not-so-holy-day brings. sitting in front of computer more than 12 hours a day(for 5 months!!), this is the least I can get.

but, on the bright side, this glasses somehow give me more confidence...seriously. and duhh, It helps me see clearer. besides, maybe it'll help me recover my eyes, hopefully. yeah, hopefully. I've asked the glassman(memandai je kasi gelaran), he's from Australia.

me: umm sir, I was thinkin...will my eyes get better by wearin this??

glassman:(Australian asc..wait, more like british ascent) well, a lot of customer has asked me the same question. but sorry kid(??!), I cant guarantee that. it seems that the result varies to each person. some get better, some stay the same, and others getting even worse...(grin)

me:..I see...(fake grin)

so, lets just pray that my eyes will get better n_n


ni thread dari blog yus. aku taw bukan semue org bwat. so, aku tolong dengan post makne surah Al-Qiyamah kat sini. bukan panjang pon...same-samelah kita hayati ancaman Allah di dalam surah ini. semoga kita lebih gigih dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam memperbaik amalan kita agar bersedia menghadapi mati yang sudah pasti. wallahulalam..

Al-Qiyamah surah 75

Aku bersumpah dengan Hari Kiamat;
Dan Aku bersumpah dengan “Nafsul Lawwaamah” (Bahawa kamu akan dibangkitkan sesudah mati)!
Patutkah manusia (yang kafir) menyangka bahawa Kami tidak akan dapat mengumpulkan tulang-tulangnya (dan menghidupkannya semula)?
Bukan sebagaimana yang disangka itu, bahkan Kami berkuasa menyusun (dengan sempurnanya segala tulang) jarinya, (tulang yang lebih halus dari yang lain).
(Kebenaran itu bukan tidak ada buktinya), bahkan manusia (yang ingkar) sentiasa suka hendak meneruskan perbuatan kufur dan maksiat (di sepanjang hayatnya, sehingga ia tidak mengakui adanya hari kiamat).
Dia bertanya (secara mengejek): “Bilakah datangnya hari kiamat itu?”
Maka (jawabnya: hari kiamat akan datang) apabila pemandangan menjadi terpendar-pendar (kerana gerun takut),
Dan bulan hilang cahayanya,
Dan matahari serta bulan dihimpunkan bersama,
(Maka) pada hari itu, berkatalah manusia (yang ingkarkan hari kiamat): “Ke manakah hendak melarikan diri?”
Tak usahlah bertanya demikian! Tidak ada lagi tempat perlindungan!
Pada hari itu, kepada Tuhanmu lah sahaja terserahnya ketetapan segala perkara.
Pada hari itu, manusia diberitahu akan apa yang ia telah lakukan, dan apa yang ia telah tinggalkan.
Bahkan manusia itu, (anggotanya) menjadi saksi terhadap dirinya sendiri,
Walaupun ia memberikan alasan-alasannya (untuk membela diri).
Janganlah engkau (wahai Muhammad) – Kerana hendakkan cepat menghafaz Quran yang diturunkan kepadamu – menggerakkan lidahmu membacanya (sebelum selesai dibacakan kepadamu).
Sesungguhnya Kamilah yang berkuasa mengumpulkan Al-Quran itu (dalam dadamu), dan menetapkan bacaannya (pada lidahmu);
Oleh itu, apabila Kami telah menyempurnakan bacaannya (kepadamu, dengan perantaraan Jibril), maka bacalah menurut bacaannya itu;
Kemudian, sesungguhnya kepada Kamilah terserah urusan menjelaskan kandungannya (yang memerlukan penjelasan).
Sedarlah wahai orang-orang yang lalai. (Sebenarnya kamu tidak ingatkan kesudahan kamu) bahkan kamu sentiasa mencintai (Kesenangan dan kemewahan dunia) yang cepat habisnya.
Dan kamu tidak menghiraukan (bekalan untuk) hari akhirat (yang kekal abadi kehidupannya).
Pada hari akhirat itu, muka (orang-orang yang beriman) berseri-seri;
Melihat kepada Tuhannya.
Dan pada hari itu, muka (orang-orang kafir) muram hodoh,
Sambil percaya dengan yakin bahawa mereka akan ditimpa malapetaka (azab seksa) yang membinasakan.
Sedarlah (janganlah mengutamakan dunia dan melupakan akhirat. Ingatlah akan hal orang yang hendak mati) apabila rohnya sampai ke pangkal kerongkong,
Dan (orang-orang yang hadir di sisinya heboh) berkata: “Siapakah yang dapat menawar jampi (dan mengubatnya)?”
Dan ia sendiri yakin, bahawa sesungguhnya saat itu saat perpisahan;
Serta kedahsyatan bertindih-tindih;
(Maka) kepada Tuhanmu lah – pada waktu itu – engkau dibawa (untuk menerima balasan).
(Oleh sebab orang yang kufur ingkar tidak percayakan hari akhirat) maka ia tidak mengakui kebenaran (yang diwajibkan meyakininya) dan ia tidak mengerjakan sembahyang (yang difardhukan mengerjakannya)!
Akan tetapi ia mendustakan, dan berpaling ingkar!
Kemudian ia pergi kepada keluarganya dengan berlagak sombong megah.
(Wahai orang yang kufur ingkar!) sudahlah dekat kepadamu kebinasaanmu, sudahlah dekat!
Kemudian api nerakalah lebih layak bagimu, lebih layak.
Patutkah manusia menyangka, bahawa ia akan ditinggalkan terbiar (dengan tidak diberikan tanggungjawab dan tidak dihidupkan menerima balasan)?
Bukankah ia berasal dari air mani yang dipancarkan (ke dalam rahim)?
Kemudian air mani itu menjadi sebuku darah beku, sesudah itu Tuhan menciptakannya, dan menyempurnakan kejadiannya (sebagai manusia)?
Lalu Tuhan menjadikan daripadanya dua jenis – lelaki dan perempuan.
Adakah (Tuhan yang menjadikan semuanya) itu – tidak berkuasa menghidupkan orang-orang yang mati? (Tentulah berkuasa)!

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